theory Nominal2_Lemmas imports Nominal2.Nominal2 begin declare fresh_star_Pair[simp] fresh_star_insert[simp] fresh_Nil[simp] pure_supp[simp] pure_fresh[simp] lemma fresh_star_Nil[simp]: "{} ♯* t" unfolding fresh_star_def by auto lemma supp_flip[simp]: fixes a b :: "_ :: at" shows "supp (a ↔ b) = (if a = b then {} else {atom a, atom b})" by (auto simp: flip_def supp_swap) lemma Collect_imp: "{x. P x ⟶ Q x} = Collect (Not o P) ∪ Collect Q" by auto lemma Abs_lst2_fcb2: fixes a b a' b' :: "atom" and x y :: "'b :: fs" and c::"'c :: fs" assumes e: "[[a, a']]lst. x = [[b, b']]lst. y" and fcb1: "a ♯ f a a' x c" "a' ♯ f a a' x c" and fresh: "{a, b, a', b'} ♯* c" and perm1: "⋀p. supp p ♯* c ⟹ p ∙ (f a a' x c) = f (p ∙ a) (p ∙ a') (p ∙ x) c" and perm2: "⋀p. supp p ♯* c ⟹ p ∙ (f b b' y c) = f (p ∙ b) (p ∙ b') (p ∙ y) c" shows "f a a' x c = f b b' y c" using e apply(drule_tac Abs_lst_fcb2[where c="c" and f="λ(as::atom list) . f (hd as) (hd (tl as))"]) using fcb1 fresh perm1 perm2 apply(simp_all) done lemma Abs_lst2_fcb2': fixes a b a' b' :: "'a::at_base" and x y :: "'b :: fs" and c::"'c :: fs" assumes e: "[[atom a, atom a']]lst. x = [[atom b, atom b']]lst. y" and fcb1: "atom a ♯ f a a' x c" "atom a' ♯ f a a' x c" and fresh: "{atom a, atom b, atom a', atom b'} ♯* c" and perm1: "⋀p. supp p ♯* c ⟹ p ∙ (f a a' x c) = f (p ∙ a) (p ∙ a') (p ∙ x) c" and perm2: "⋀p. supp p ♯* c ⟹ p ∙ (f b b' y c) = f (p ∙ b) (p ∙ b') (p ∙ y) c" shows "f a a' x c = f b b' y c" using e apply(drule_tac Abs_lst2_fcb2[where c="c" and f="λa a'. f ((inv atom) a) ((inv atom) a')"]) using fcb1 fresh perm1 perm2 apply(simp_all add: inv_f_f inj_on_def atom_eqvt) done lemma Abs_lst_eq_flipI: fixes a b :: "_ :: at" and t :: "_ :: fs" assumes "atom b ♯ t" shows "[[atom a]]lst. t = [[atom b]]lst. (a ↔ b) ∙ t" apply (auto simp: fresh_Pair) by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms flip_commute flip_fresh_fresh flip_triple permute_plus) lemma Abs_lst2_eq_same_flipI: fixes a b :: "_ :: at" shows "atom b ♯ t ⟹ [[atom a, atom a]]lst. t = [[atom b, atom b]]lst. (a ↔ b) ∙ t" apply (cases "a = b") apply simp unfolding Abs_eq_iff alphas apply (intro exI[of _ "(a ↔ b)"]) apply (auto simp: fresh_Pair fresh_at_base supp_conv_fresh fresh_permute_left flip_def fresh_star_def fresh_perm swap_atom) done lemma Abs_lst2_eq_flipI: fixes a b c d :: "'a :: at" and t :: "_ :: fs" assumes "atom c ♯ (a, b, t)" "atom d ♯ (a, b, t)" "a = b ⟷ c = d" shows "[[atom a, atom b]]lst. t = [[atom c, atom d]]lst. (if a = b then (a ↔ c) else (a ↔ c) + (b ↔ d)) ∙ t" apply (cases "a = b") using assms Abs_lst2_eq_same_flipI[of d t b] apply simp unfolding Abs_eq_iff alphas using assms apply (intro exI[of _ "(a ↔ c) + (b ↔ d)"]) apply (auto simp: fresh_Pair fresh_at_base supp_conv_fresh fresh_permute_left flip_def fresh_star_def fresh_perm swap_atom) done lemma atom_not_fresh_eq[simp]: assumes "¬ atom a ♯ x" shows "a = x" using assms atom_eq_iff fresh_ineq_at_base by blast lemma fresh_set_fresh_forall: shows "atom y ♯ xs = (∀x ∈ set xs. atom y ♯ x)" by (induct xs) (simp_all add: fresh_Cons) lemma finite_fresh_set_fresh_all[simp]: fixes S :: "(_ :: fs) set" shows "finite S ⟹ atom a ♯ S ⟷ (∀x ∈ S. atom a ♯ x)" unfolding fresh_def by (simp add: supp_of_finite_sets) lemma case_option_eqvt[eqvt]: "p ∙ case_option a b opt = case_option (p ∙ a) (p ∙ b) (p ∙ opt)" by (cases opt) auto end